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Alzheimer's Early Detection Test in Morton, IL

Koch Research is helping to develop a blood test for earlier Alzheimer’s detection.

Ensure Early Detection

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that gradually impairs memory, thinking, and behavior, ultimately leading to significant cognitive decline. It begins silently, with its pathophysiology developing a decade before any clinical symptoms become apparent.

Koch Clinical Research is helping to develop a Blood Test for Alzheimer’s that analyzes biomarkers in the blood to detect the disease early. This Alzheimer’s Disease Blood Test could be a crucial tool in the fight to eventually Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease and protect the future of those at risk.

Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s

  • Age
  • Family History
  • Head Trauma
  • Cognitive Inactivity
  • Lifestyle Factors

**Participation in the study, including all procedures and treatment including the investigational drug, is provided at no cost, and having insurance is not required**

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Interested in participating in a clinical trial?

    Blood Test for Alzheimer's

    This clinical study is collecting samples to help evaluate the efficacy of a new Alzheimer’s biomarker blood test. Patients come to the office for a quick cognitive exercise followed by a blood draw. By thoroughly examining these aspects, we aim to gain valuable insights into Alzheimer’s disease and enhance early detection efforts. Ultimately, this research will hopefully contribute to preventing the onset of Alzheimer’s and improving long-term brain health.

    Eligibility Criteria

    • Age :55 and older
    • Gender : Male & Female
    • Condition : Healthy patients with no memory concerns
    • Total Studies : 01
    • Status : Recruiting

    The Silent Memory and Independence Thief

    Doctor Taking Blood Test Of Alzheimer Patient

    Alzheimer’s disease is a relentless neurological condition that slowly erodes memory, cognitive functions, and the ability to perform even the most basic daily tasks. As the disease progresses, it not only robs individuals of their independence but also places a significant emotional and financial burden on their families and caregivers.

    Without proactive steps to detect and address Alzheimer’s early on, the effects can be devastating. Memory loss, confusion, and drastic changes in personality are just the beginning; over time, individuals may lose the ability to communicate, recognize loved ones, or care for themselves. This decline highlights the critical importance of early detection and intervention. Don’t let Alzheimer’s take hold—act now to protect yourself and your loved ones.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease?

    Is there a cure for Alzheimer's disease?

    What are the risk factors for Alzheimer's disease?

    How accurate is a blood test for Alzheimer’s?

    Is the Alzheimer's blood test painful?

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